

Greenhouse Gas Management
Facing the challenge brought about by global climate change, we know very well that companies must reduce the GHG emissions generated from the operating process and thus mitigate the negative impact on the climate. In 2022, we were dedicated to promoting the awareness of green production and low carbon to facilitate premium ecological environment, fulfill our corporate social responsibilities, and put the corporate philosophy of sustainable operations into practice.
iST has established a greenhouse gas inventory management process in accordance with ISO 14064-1 and the Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Inventories by the Ministry of Environment since 2021. In 2021, iST conducted GHG inventory in Hsinchu Plant I; in 2022, the scope of inventory expanded to include all plants; and in 2023, the results of the inventory were verified by a third-party verification agency. Thus, iST is able to fully understand the current status of GHG emissions.
The iST GHG inventory uses operation control as the organizational boundary. In 2023, the plants include in the inventory are Hsinchu Plant I, Hsinchu Plant II, Puding Plant, Dean Plant, Taiyuan Plant, Changyi Plant, and Neihu Plant. The types of GHG are: CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, and SF6. No ozone-depleting substances (ODS) are used in the plant. The total GHG emissions (see table below) include: Scope 1 (Category 1) Direct GHG Emissions from Sources: 2,416.827 metric tons of CO2e (10.66%); Scope 2 (Category 2) Indirect GHG Emissions from Energy Sources: 20,231.185 metric tons of CO2e (89.26%), which is mainly from purchased electricity; Category 4 Other Indirect GHG Emissions: 18.358 metric tons of CO2e (0.08%). Thus, our GHG reduction strategy focuses on the increase of electricity usage efficiency and reduction of electricity consumption. The GHG emissions in 2023 increased slightly by 339.242 tCO2e, but the overall operating revenue increased by 6.57% and thus the GHG emission intensity decreased by 4.74%, achieving the goal of reducing GHG emission intensity by 3%. Six energy-saving projects were carried out investment amount 549,395 NT in 2023 to save electricity by 423.820 (estimated by iST), equivalent to a reduction of carbon emissions by 209 tCO2e.
Energy Management
The energy that we use includes electricity and gasoline/diesel and no other kinds of energy are used to supply heat. The energy comes from state-owned power plants and gas stations. Electricity is the main energy that we use, gasoline is used for company vehicles, and diesel is used for generators. No renewable energy was used in 2023. The electricity and energy consumption intensity is listed below (in the following table).
Greenhouse Gas Management
Facing the challenge brought about by global climate change, we know very well that companies must reduce the GHG emissions generated from the operating process and thus mitigate the negative impact on the climate. In 2022, we were dedicated to promoting the awareness of green production and low carbon to facilitate premium ecological environment, fulfill our corporate social responsibilities, and put the corporate philosophy of sustainable operations into practice.
iST has established a greenhouse gas inventory management process in accordance with ISO 14064-1 and the Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Inventories by the Ministry of Environment since 2021. In 2021, iST conducted GHG inventory in Hsinchu Plant I; in 2022, the scope of inventory expanded to include all plants; and in 2023, the results of the inventory were verified by a third-party verification agency. Thus, iST is able to fully understand the current status of GHG emissions.
The iST GHG inventory uses operation control as the organizational boundary. In 2023, the plants include in the inventory are Hsinchu Plant I, Hsinchu Plant II, Puding Plant, Dean Plant, Taiyuan Plant, Changyi Plant, and Neihu Plant. The types of GHG are: CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, and SF6. No ozone-depleting substances (ODS) are used in the plant. The total GHG emissions (see table below) include: Scope 1 (Category 1) Direct GHG Emissions from Sources: 2,416.827 metric tons of CO2e (10.66%); Scope 2 (Category 2) Indirect GHG Emissions from Energy Sources: 20,231.185 metric tons of CO2e (89.26%), which is mainly from purchased electricity; Category 4 Other Indirect GHG Emissions: 18.358 metric tons of CO2e (0.08%). Thus, our GHG reduction strategy focuses on the increase of electricity usage efficiency and reduction of electricity consumption. The GHG emissions in 2023 increased slightly by 339.242 tCO2e, but the overall operating revenue increased by 6.57% and thus the GHG emission intensity decreased by 4.74%, achieving the goal of reducing GHG emission intensity by 3%. Six energy-saving projects were carried out investment amount 549,395 NT in 2023 to save electricity by 423.820 (estimated by iST), equivalent to a reduction of carbon emissions by 209 tCO2e.
Energy Management
The energy that we use includes electricity and gasoline/diesel and no other kinds of energy are used to supply heat. The energy comes from state-owned power plants and gas stations. Electricity is the main energy that we use, gasoline is used for company vehicles, and diesel is used for generators. No renewable energy was used in 2023. The electricity and energy consumption intensity is listed below (in the following table).