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Human Rights Policy
In order to implement human rights protection principles and policies, iST actively conducts training and dissemination on diverse human rights protection, including plant safety and health, emergency response, first-aid training, personal data protection, workplace misconduct in a friendly workplace, and prevention and control of sexual harassment and other misconduct in the workplace, in order to raise the human rights awareness among employees. iST has also introduced a human rights management and training mechanism for “eradicating sexual harassment and workplace bullying” in order to continuously implement and optimize the human rights policies and protections.
The Following are iST’s Regulations Related to Human Rights Management:

Eradicating Unlawful Discrimination and Ensuring Equal Opportunity
- Our work regulations unequivocally state that the company does not allow any factors such as race, religion, belief, gender, marital or pregnancy status, age, political background, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, zodiac sign, blood type, or any other reasons to affect the recruitment process and hiring decisions.
- There have been zero complaints related to recruitment or hiring violations.

Laws Governing Labor Rights
- We sign a labor contract adhering to Taiwan’s labor and human rights-related statutes with each employee.
- No reported cases of employee human rights violation.

Child Labor Prohibition
- The Company abides by regulations and does not employ individuals under the age of 18 as child labor or young workers.
- Any behavior that could lead to child labor employment is strictly prohibited.

Working Hours
- Daily working hours shall not exceed 12 hours; weekly working hours shall not exceed 7 days; monthly overtime is limited to 46 hours.
- Relevant standards are periodically communicated through labor–management meetings.

Zero Tolerance for Unlawful Infringement
- We have established the “Guidelines for Preventing Unlawful Infringement during Job Duties” and the “Complaint and Disciplinary Measures for the Prevention of Workplace Infringement”.
- A total of 236 participants attended these prevention education and training courses.
- No reported cases of employee human rights violation.

Prohibition of Forced Labor
- Sign labor contracts legally and ensure that no form of slavery or coercion forces employees into involuntary labor.

Protection of Female Workers
- Our work rules specify protection measures for female workers.
- Protection for pregnant workers: including prohibition from night work and hazardous tasks.

Competitive Compensation and Generous Benefits
- Regularly review the compensation system to ensure the competitive remuneration in the talent market.
- Benefits and leave system surpass statutory requirements to ensure internal fairness and external competitiveness.
Human Rights Policy
In order to implement human rights protection principles and policies, iST actively conducts training and dissemination on diverse human rights protection, including plant safety and health, emergency response, first-aid training, personal data protection, workplace misconduct in a friendly workplace, and prevention and control of sexual harassment and other misconduct in the workplace, in order to raise the human rights awareness among employees. iST has also introduced a human rights management and training mechanism for “eradicating sexual harassment and workplace bullying” in order to continuously implement and optimize the human rights policies and protections.
The Following are iST’s Regulations Related to Human Rights Management:

Eradicating Unlawful Discrimination and Ensuring Equal Opportunity
- Our work regulations unequivocally state that the company does not allow any factors such as race, religion, belief, gender, marital or pregnancy status, age, political background, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, zodiac sign, blood type, or any other reasons to affect the recruitment process and hiring decisions.
- There have been zero complaints related to recruitment or hiring violations.

Laws Governing Labor Rights
- We sign a labor contract adhering to Taiwan’s labor and human rights-related statutes with each employee.
- No reported cases of employee human rights violation.

Child Labor Prohibition
- The Company abides by regulations and does not employ individuals under the age of 18 as child labor or young workers.
- Any behavior that could lead to child labor employment is strictly prohibited.

Working Hours
- Daily working hours shall not exceed 12 hours; weekly working hours shall not exceed 7 days; monthly overtime is limited to 46 hours.
- Relevant standards are periodically communicated through labor–management meetings.

Zero Tolerance for Unlawful Infringement
- We have established the “Guidelines for Preventing Unlawful Infringement during Job Duties” and the “Complaint and Disciplinary Measures for the Prevention of Workplace Infringement”.
- A total of 236 participants attended these prevention education and training courses.
- No reported cases of employee human rights violation.

Prohibition of Forced Labor
- Sign labor contracts legally and ensure that no form of slavery or coercion forces employees into involuntary labor.

Protection of Female Workers
- Our work rules specify protection measures for female workers.
- Protection for pregnant workers: including prohibition from night work and hazardous tasks.

Competitive Compensation and Generous Benefits
- Regularly review the compensation system to ensure the competitive remuneration in the talent market.
- Benefits and leave system surpass statutory requirements to ensure internal fairness and external competitiveness.