

Talents are the key to corporate sustainability and are iST’s most important asset and core competitiveness. Upholding the principles of “Respect for Human Rights” and “Merit-Based Employment,” we actively promote gender equality and are dedicated to creating a diverse, equal, and inclusive workplace without discrimination based on non-work-related factors such as race, beliefs, religion, party background, gender, marital status, disability, or other legally protected attributes is strictly prohibited. These principles apply to recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, salary and benefits, and we look forward to growing together with our employees. iST continues to build a friendly environment with positive communication. iST has also established a comprehensive labor–management communication channel, listening to employees’ voices so that employees can find a balance between the workplace and their families. iST attaches great importance in promoting labor and business ethical policies through work rules, document management systems, and bulletin systems, etc. iST also regularly reviews and optimizes relevant systems to respect all employees’ human rights and to provide fair and suitable job opportunities to both applicants and employees.
Diverse Hiring
iST provides competitive compensation to attract external talent and retain top employees, while rewarding employees who create performance and make long-term contributions. We give priority to hiring local employees. The standard salary for entry-level employee is better than the local statutory salary requirements. Also, Taiwanese citizens are given priority for senior management positions within the Taiwan operational headquarters.
● Employee Labor Structure
Talent Retention
● Competitive Compensation and Benefits
Each year, iST formulates compensation strategies based on changes in company operations and industry environment. iST upholds gender equality, with salary determination based on individual’s ability and job requirements, adhering to principles of reasonableness and fairness, without any gender-based differential treatment, to ensure that the compensation policy is competitive externally and fair internally. We provide our employees with generous bonuses and incentives, a high-quality work environment, and a comprehensive benefits system, enabling them to achieve a balanced development in work, life, and leisure.
● Salary System
iST values talent, employee rewards closely linked with individual performance, with annual salary adjustments that outperform industry standards. The Company provides competitive compensation levels and implements a fair remuneration system, regardless of gender, age, race, religion, nationality, physical or mental disabilities, etc. Additionally, it implements a diverse incentive bonus system, aligning employees with the success of the Company’s operations.
● Reward System  
Employee Compensation Incentive Bonus and Performance Bonus Diverse Incentives Employee Stock Option
  1. We conduct an annual market salary survey to ensure that our employees are paid competitively in the market.
  2. Employees’ compensation is directly linked to the Company’s operational performance, team achievement, and individual performance.
Bonus is determined according to the achievement of quarterly company operational goals, and in conjunction with departmental performance and individual contributions. Includes high performance bonuses, incentives, achievement bonuses, referral bonuses, improvement proposal bonuses, coaching bonuses, retention bonuses, and so on. To attract and retain professional talents, the Company has established the method of issuing and subscription of stock options to encourage and enhance the employees’ devotion to Company.
● Employee Welfare Policy
In accordance with the Labor Standards Act, the Company has established the Labor Retirement Reserve Supervisory Committee, which is responsible for overseeing and managing the allocation and payment of retirement reserve funds. A monthly contribution of 2% of salary is deposited in a special account at the Bank of Taiwan. Each year, a professional accounting consultant conducts an actuarial analysis on the retirement reserve to ensure that sufficient contributions are made. If an employee is eligible for retirement under the Labor Standards Act, the employee’s pension is calculated based on the years of service before retirement and the average six-month salary; if the Labor Pension Act is applicable, the Company shall allocate 6% of the employee’s salary to the individual pension account of the Bureau of Labor Insurance each month. In addition to the statutory insurance system, iST also provides comprehensive group insurance for its employees. The premiums are fully covered by the Company, including life insurance, accident insurance, health insurance, and cancer insurance, enhancing overall employee protection.
Compassionate Equality Care
iST implements diversity, equality, and gender equality. iST promotes employee and determines salaries based on individual’s ability and job requirements, without any gender or racial differences. iST continues to complete its talent pipeline at every level of the organization. iST actively hires and promotes female employees. This allows female employees to develop their potentials and demonstrate their influences. iST values every employee’s rights and personal health and safety. We provide a safe and secure work environment for our foreign employees. Starting from 2023, iST has implemented the “Zero Placement Fee” policy to ease the financial burden for foreign employees who come to work in Taiwan and to avoid bonded labor problem. All employees receive equal employment based on the principle of reasonableness and fairness. Exceptional foreign blue-collar employees may be promoted to white-collar engineers, so that we could retain the excellent talents.
● The Proportion of iST’s Female Employee and Female Management
iST has been supporting the government’s policy on employing people with disabilities. All of these employees with disabilities are employees who actually participate in the Company’s work and business. iST has provided staff and equipment to support the employees with disabilities according to their conditions, so that the employees with disabilities are able to work with confidence. We hope to attract more potential and suitable people with disabilities to take the initiative to apply for the positions in iST. Eligible employees of iST may apply for unpaid parental leave for raising their children. iST is committed to creating a friendly and equal workplace, and continually striving to enhance reinstatement and retention rates.
● Annual Parental Leave Status  
Year 2023
Category Male Female Total
Rate of parental leave requests 2.1% 18.4% 10.3%
Re-employment rate - 87.5% 87.5%
Retention rate 0.0% 66.7% 50%
Industry–Academia Collaboration
iST strongly believes that talent is the core element for sustainable development. We uphold the core concept of “Focus on Human” to create a friendly environment that emphasizes talent cultivation and development as well as employee identification, to enhance the company’s employer brand, and to raise the company’s growth momentum through diverse recruiting channels, in order to bring the power for innovation together.
iST has actively promoted industry–academia collaboration projects. Through the Elite Talent Scholarship, Freshman Pre-employment Program, Rooted Learning Program, Professional Lecture, Diverse Internship Program, Corporate Visits, and Campus Recruitment, iST has continued to collaborate with National Tsing Hua University, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Tamkang University, and Ming Hsin University to deepen campus relationships and continue to recruit more excellent talents to join iST to achieve the company’s talent sustainable development goal.
Elite Talent Cultivation Program
Rooted Learning Program
Professional Lecture
Campus Recruitment Activity
Campus Recruitment Activity
Job Lecture
Talents are the key to corporate sustainability and are iST’s most important asset and core competitiveness. Upholding the principles of “Respect for Human Rights” and “Merit-Based Employment,” we actively promote gender equality and are dedicated to creating a diverse, equal, and inclusive workplace without discrimination based on non-work-related factors such as race, beliefs, religion, party background, gender, marital status, disability, or other legally protected attributes is strictly prohibited. These principles apply to recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, salary and benefits, and we look forward to growing together with our employees. iST continues to build a friendly environment with positive communication. iST has also established a comprehensive labor–management communication channel, listening to employees’ voices so that employees can find a balance between the workplace and their families. iST attaches great importance in promoting labor and business ethical policies through work rules, document management systems, and bulletin systems, etc. iST also regularly reviews and optimizes relevant systems to respect all employees’ human rights and to provide fair and suitable job opportunities to both applicants and employees.
Diverse Hiring
iST provides competitive compensation to attract external talent and retain top employees, while rewarding employees who create performance and make long-term contributions. We give priority to hiring local employees. The standard salary for entry-level employee is better than the local statutory salary requirements. Also, Taiwanese citizens are given priority for senior management positions within the Taiwan operational headquarters.
● Employee Labor Structure
Talent Retention
● Competitive Compensation and Benefits
Each year, iST formulates compensation strategies based on changes in company operations and industry environment. iST upholds gender equality, with salary determination based on individual’s ability and job requirements, adhering to principles of reasonableness and fairness, without any gender-based differential treatment, to ensure that the compensation policy is competitive externally and fair internally. We provide our employees with generous bonuses and incentives, a high-quality work environment, and a comprehensive benefits system, enabling them to achieve a balanced development in work, life, and leisure.
● Salary System
iST values talent, employee rewards closely linked with individual performance, with annual salary adjustments that outperform industry standards. The Company provides competitive compensation levels and implements a fair remuneration system, regardless of gender, age, race, religion, nationality, physical or mental disabilities, etc. Additionally, it implements a diverse incentive bonus system, aligning employees with the success of the Company’s operations.
● Reward System  
Employee Compensation
  1. We conduct an annual market salary survey to ensure that our employees are paid competitively in the market.
  2. Employees’ compensation is directly linked to the Company’s operational performance, team achievement, and individual performance.
Incentive Bonus and Performance Bonus
Bonus is determined according to the achievement of quarterly company operational goals, and in conjunction with departmental performance and individual contributions.
Diverse Incentives
Includes high performance bonuses, incentives, achievement bonuses, referral bonuses, improvement proposal bonuses, coaching bonuses, retention bonuses, and so on.
Employee Stock Option
To attract and retain professional talents, the Company has established the method of issuing and subscription of stock options to encourage and enhance the employees’ devotion to Company.
● Employee Welfare Policy
In accordance with the Labor Standards Act, the Company has established the Labor Retirement Reserve Supervisory Committee, which is responsible for overseeing and managing the allocation and payment of retirement reserve funds. A monthly contribution of 2% of salary is deposited in a special account at the Bank of Taiwan. Each year, a professional accounting consultant conducts an actuarial analysis on the retirement reserve to ensure that sufficient contributions are made. If an employee is eligible for retirement under the Labor Standards Act, the employee’s pension is calculated based on the years of service before retirement and the average six-month salary; if the Labor Pension Act is applicable, the Company shall allocate 6% of the employee’s salary to the individual pension account of the Bureau of Labor Insurance each month. In addition to the statutory insurance system, iST also provides comprehensive group insurance for its employees. The premiums are fully covered by the Company, including life insurance, accident insurance, health insurance, and cancer insurance, enhancing overall employee protection.
Compassionate Equality Care
iST implements diversity, equality, and gender equality. iST promotes employee and determines salaries based on individual’s ability and job requirements, without any gender or racial differences. iST continues to complete its talent pipeline at every level of the organization. iST actively hires and promotes female employees. This allows female employees to develop their potentials and demonstrate their influences. iST values every employee’s rights and personal health and safety. We provide a safe and secure work environment for our foreign employees. Starting from 2023, iST has implemented the “Zero Placement Fee” policy to ease the financial burden for foreign employees who come to work in Taiwan and to avoid bonded labor problem. All employees receive equal employment based on the principle of reasonableness and fairness. Exceptional foreign blue-collar employees may be promoted to white-collar engineers, so that we could retain the excellent talents.
● The Proportion of iST’s Female Employee and Female Management
iST has been supporting the government’s policy on employing people with disabilities. All of these employees with disabilities are employees who actually participate in the Company’s work and business. iST has provided staff and equipment to support the employees with disabilities according to their conditions, so that the employees with disabilities are able to work with confidence. We hope to attract more potential and suitable people with disabilities to take the initiative to apply for the positions in iST. Eligible employees of iST may apply for unpaid parental leave for raising their children. iST is committed to creating a friendly and equal workplace, and continually striving to enhance reinstatement and retention rates.
● Annual Parental Leave Status  
Year 2023
Category Male Female Total
Rate of parental leave requests 2.1% 18.4% 10.3%
Re-employment rate - 87.5% 87.5%
Retention rate 0.0% 66.7% 50%
Industry–Academia Collaboration
iST strongly believes that talent is the core element for sustainable development. We uphold the core concept of “Focus on Human” to create a friendly environment that emphasizes talent cultivation and development as well as employee identification, to enhance the company’s employer brand, and to raise the company’s growth momentum through diverse recruiting channels, in order to bring the power for innovation together.
iST has actively promoted industry–academia collaboration projects. Through the Elite Talent Scholarship, Freshman Pre-employment Program, Rooted Learning Program, Professional Lecture, Diverse Internship Program, Corporate Visits, and Campus Recruitment, iST has continued to collaborate with National Tsing Hua University, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Tamkang University, and Ming Hsin University to deepen campus relationships and continue to recruit more excellent talents to join iST to achieve the company’s talent sustainable development goal.
Elite Talent Cultivation Program
Rooted Learning Program
Professional Lecture
Campus Recruitment Activity
Campus Recruitment Activity
Job Lecture