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Social Charity 2022/09/21Wishing the Grandpas and Grandmas of Chang-an Elderly Care Center a Healthy and Long Life
Social Charity 2022/08/27iST Invites You to Experience the Pure Beauty of Art and Spirit
Social Charity 2022/05/21iST Invites You to Cultivate High EQ Abilities in Children
Social Charity 2021/01/20Lab Tour for Boyo Kids 2021
Industry Cooperation 2019/12/26Lab Tour for Students from Department of Physic of Tamkang Univ.
Social Charity 2018/05/29Happiness Village 2018
Social Charity 2016/12/26Gifts and Donation to Rural Areas
Social Charity 2016/08/02Lab Tour for Kids from Boyo and Miracle Home
Social Charity 2016/05/06Join Us to Help “Happiness Village”
Social Charity 2016/04/28Little Students with Big Futures